Episode Nine: Bastardbowl

celebrate good timessansaspoilers

After complaining about these past few ‘sodes (does… anyone use that shorthand?) this season provided us with the dreaded episode 9: and it had loomed. We began to assume the worst for Rickon when he hadn’t shown up in any other episodes until 9, and obviously when Osha went for the kill and got killed herself. But then Sansa was just like, “He’s dead.”

Also erm read the spoilers and knew how things were going down, although everything she read said Ramsay would survive to ep. 10 and then she read one thing that said Littlefinger would feed him to his dogs and that made her burst out laughing because how awful would that have been?

So from the perspective of someone who had a pretty good idea of what was about to happen, the fact that the episode was still tense and unlookawayable says a lot.

Apart from the Winterfell stuff, Meereen finally got to be awesome! And Dany tearfully confessed to Tyrion that “you think crucifying people will make people like you, but it doesn’t. It just makes people crucified.” And he’s like, “It’s OK, there are, uh, other options, besides crucifixion.” And that was good, because we got our cake and ate it too. Tyrion being practical ended up being wrong because you can’t be practical with evil people, but Dany doesn’t have to be a brute either so… cool!

Yara/Dany foreveeeeeeeeeeer!!!!!!!!! (OK but the “… but that’s our way of life!” Yara. Get new hobbies.)

Kind of seems like they introduced Euron for pretty much no reason, though, if he’s about to get lured into a dracarys trap. That’s what’s happening, right?


Literally all I want is pie.

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