No Magic: The Wonder of Modern Disney

We’ve been wanting to write a longform piece about Disney films’ changing attitudes towards dreaming, believing, and proaction. Maybe we still will one day, but for now it’s entirely unnecessary because this amazing post does it all and more.

Check out this examination of how modern Disney films challenge and twist the messages of older Disney. And also, we need to rewatch Meet the Robinsons. And watch Tomorrowland for the first time.

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic,” said Arthur C Clarke in a famous quote that captures the world-shifting potential of science and discovery. Witho…

Source: No Magic: The Wonder of Modern Disney


Literally all I want is pie.

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  1. Thanks so much for the kind words and the reblog! I’d still love to read your piece. There can never be too many posts about Disney ?

  2. […] Wazowski coming to terms with the fact that he’s not scary. Consider Paul Bullock’s piece on Modern Disney and find the rest of the examples of Disney preaching for self-acceptance. Our […]

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